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Patient Stories

Meet Victor!

Seven years ago, Victor heard about HHM Health through a friend and, not having insurance himself, he decided to enroll. Since that time, he has become an active donor in addition to being a patient. After being treated by the HHM medical team for stroke symptoms, among other ailments, Victor says it is the “kindness, professionalism and courtesy” of the staff that moved him to become a donor. Now, because of the medical care he’s received at HHM Health, Victor is able to work four days a week at Luby’s, taking his earnings and using them to give back to those who have helped him. We are honored to serve Victor, and every other patient that walks through our doors.

Meet Hope!

Hope came to HHM Health more than 6 years ago to deliver her first daughter, Saia. After this experience, Hope made sure that her other three daughters, Joia, Sanai, and Joli would be delivered with HHM as well. Hope, mentioning members of our Women’s Health Center by name, called the staff her extended family. After experiencing the empathy and compassion of our staff, Hope made sure that she and her girls continue coming to HHM Health. According to Hope, they would not go anywhere else for healthcare, saying, “Healing Hands is a blessing to all the patients it serves.

Meet Melissa!

Melissa’s long history as a patient of HHM Health began in 2012 when she first found out she was pregnant. At the time, she lived in the Lake Highlands area and decided to visit the nearby Presbyterian Hospital to search for the prenatal care she needed. There, she was referred to providers who worked for what then was known as Healing Hands Ministries. During each visit, Melissa received what she described as thorough and personalized care. Reflecting on those early days, she shared, “They were very detailed when they checked me. They truly wanted to help me and get to know me. It was not just in-and-out. They made me feel comfortable.”

As the years have passed, Melissa’s admiration for HHM Health has only deepened. The continuity in quality care and the familiar faces have contributed to her lasting positive impression. “The care is the same. Many of the people are the same, and they know me. People like Ms. Pam have watched me grow up, and I have watched them grow up, too.” Melissa is happy to have found a healthcare home where she brought her daughters into the world and takes them regularly. She is excited and relieved to have HHM Health providers by her side as she welcomes her fourth child, this time a boy, this November.

Meet Ashley!

Ashley came to HHM Health when she found out she was pregnant. She was coming to her routine doctor’s appointment when our Nurse Practitioner ordered her to be on bed rest to protect the baby. When she came in for another check-up, our provider could not find the baby’s heartbeat. Ashley was urgently sent to our sonographer, where it showed the baby was in distress and needed immediate help. Three days later, Ashley gave birth to a baby who was just 3 pounds. If our sonographer did not catch the rare case of Cardiomegaly in the fetus, it could have resulted in fatalities in both mom and baby. Ashley says she is so thankful HHM Health recently obtained a sonogram machine which expedited the diagnosis of this severe problem.

Meet Kimberly!

Kimberly was referred to HHM Health through the House of Charity program when her case manager sent her to see one of our Clinical Therapists on staff. Kimberly goes to one-on-one therapy sessions as well as the “I’m a SURVIVOR Group” – a group therapy session held bi-weekly based on activities using different art forms. Kimberly says the group therapy sessions are not like any other group she has been in, and describes it as being able to find yourself, read yourself, and assess yourself. “Once you look at yourself in a different lens, you can make a change in certain situations in your life.” Kimberly expressed to us that she has been to a lot of therapists in her life, but at HHM Health, it is different and helpful in navigating your struggles along the way. HHM Health launched the art therapy group to help patients externalize feelings in a tangible way and gain insight into their own psychological state while getting validation from their peers.

Meet Janet!

Janet and her daughter Savanna moved to Texas 15 years ago from Columbia. Although Savanna was only a little girl at the time, she remembers her big family living in just one room before the transition. For the past 2 years, the family has been patients at HHM Health, receiving help with mammograms and pediatric care. It was crucial to Janet that her daughter received the same care that she does from our own Dr. Brock when she turned 18. When asked how they felt about the service they receive, Savanna just smiled and said, “Coming in here just feels like therapy.

Meet Helen!

Meet Helen Cingpi, a patient of HHM Health. She traveled to the United States from Burma in 2014 to go to school. When she came to America, she was looking for quality healthcare, and that is when she found HHM Health. Being a patient at HHM Health makes her feel safe, loved and the staff is trustworthy. She is expecting her second child and is a patient in the Women’s Health Clinic at HHM Health. “I get good quality care at HHM Health. I really trust the doctors here and I feel safe. No matter where you are from, language is not a barrier.” – Helen Cingpi

Meet Gabriella!

Gabriella came to HHM Health when she learned she was pregnant and says since day one, HHM Health has helped her along the way. She came to the Women’s Health Clinic to get her prenatal care, and after she delivered her baby girl, they both came to the clinics, along with her 15-year-old daughter. Gabriella said she was inspired to come to HHM Health after seeing so many mothers come in and out of our clinic doors. “HHM Health focuses on patient care and has been extremely helpful for me and my baby.” Another reason she comes to HHM Health is because she receives compassionate care for her family at an affordable rate. “I am so happy I found HHM Health for my family to get the quality care we deserve.

Meet the Khaksar Family!

It is our honor to introduce you to longtime patients of HHM Health, Naqibullah and Khalida Khaksar, their two sons, Balar and Omar, and their 9-month-old daughter Kowsar. Before discovering HHM Health, the Khaksar family faced a series of clinics that either kept them waiting for extended periods or failed to adequately address their first child’s health issues. When Khalida encountered unusual pain during her second pregnancy, they urgently sought help at a nearby emergency room, uncertain of where to find both timely and high-quality care. Thankfully, this visit led to a referral to HHM Health, where they have ever since entrusted the well-being of their entire family to our healthcare providers. When asked about why they come to HHM Health, Mr. Khaksar emphasized the remarkable attributes of our medical professionals. He stressed the promptness and high quality of care provided by our doctors. In his own words, “Here, the doctors are professional. The care is really good quality. We can come, and they give just the right medicine we need, and the result is always positive.” This unwavering trust in our healthcare team is precisely why they continue to return year after year and are eagerly anticipating the arrival of their fourth child, with the assurance that HHM Health doctors will be there to guide them through this new chapter.

Patient Spotlight: Episode 1

Patient Spotlight: Episode 2

Patient Spotlight: Episode 3

Patient Spotlight: Episode 4

Patient Spotlight: Episode 5

Patient Spotlight: Episode 6

Patient Spotlight: Episode 7

Patient Spotlight: Episode 8

Patient Spotlight: Episode 9

Patient Spotlight: Episode 10

Patient Spotlight: Episode 11

Patient Spotlight: Episode 12